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Shipboard Watertight Door and Hatch Training

Number of students Cost per person
3-6 $300
7-10 $250
11-24 $225

This hands-on training shows how to perform maintenance on doors, hatches and scuttles. The class stresses the importance of using proper repair parts and shows examples of the dangers of performing improper “fixes.” This information is a must for all size vessels!

This class is taught at the Bremerton International Emergency Service Training Center in Bremerton, WA, or onboard your vessel.

Scope of Training:

  • Doors and hatches; their uses, types and location
  • Disassemble various watertight doors, perform maintenance, adjustments and chalk test
  • Disassemble individual watertight doors, perform maintenance, adjustments, and chalk test
  • Make adjustments to scuttle, review parts list for doors, hatches and scuttles
  • Debrief, clean up and critiques